Virgo Moon Bingo

4/5/2022by admin
  1. Virgo Moon Bingo Calendar
  2. Virgo Moon Or Sun

As the zodiac’s sign of selfless service, the Virgo man needs to be needed, to serve and protect. Relationships give Virgo man a sense of duty and pride. This guy is rarely single for long, unless it’s by choice, since he does have incredibly high standards. Still, the Virgo man is lost without a project, so he tends to be hands-on, even controlling, about the direction of his love life.

Moon in Virgo is ruled by element earth (just as Taurus and Capricorn) and the planet Mercury. This combination causes greater emotional stability because reason comes to join the emotion equation and probably even overlaps with it. When someone who has Moon in Virgo feels, they will treat the feeling as a doctor treats a body. Jun 11, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Sarah Borth. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Are you tired of raising your boyfriends and teaching them how to act like grown men? Hang up your metaphorical nursing bra. The Virgo man needs none of your mother’s milk, thank you very much. Self-sufficient and self-directed, he’s no Oedipus or mama’s boy. However, he can dig in his heels like a headstrong child. Like all earth signs, he’s stubborn. Virgo can plant himself firmly in a position and refuse to budge. “You can’t make me!” He’ll stand by your side just as willfully.

Still, with Virgo, you can channel your maternal energy where it belongs: toward the children. And he’ll want at least one or two, if not a gaggle. Hillary Clinton may believe it takes a village to raise a child, but to Virgo, it takes a child—his childlike spirit, that is—to raise a village. He’ll spread his seed far and wide, and he tends to start young. Don’t be surprised if your Virgo already has kids from a previous partner or two!

Virgo Moon Bingo

Since he’s naturally stern and fatherly, the Virgo man makes a devoted dad. He doesn’t mind playing papa to you, either, though he has his limits. It’s alright if you’re a little needy, as long as you’re smart and ambitious. His earth-sign nature makes him stable and grounding, a favorite among daddy’s girls and women with absentee fathers. From his melodious voice to his tender gaze, there’s something soothing about the Virgo man. With his firm, athletic body, he can hold you in a way that makes you feel completely safe.

Co-dependence is the Virgo man’s co-pilot. Many of his relationships start while he’s helping a “friend” get back on her feet. He has a knack for finding women who’ve fallen on hard times: divorce, death of a loved one, recovery from abuse or alcoholism. He loves to be there, comforting and shepherding you through the grieving process, holding your hair back as you puke up your soul. He’ll listen to your troubles with a therapist’s patience, knowing that his foolproof strategy will work once again. The damsel in distress always falls for the noble knight. And if the knight just happens to gallop off once she’s restored to well-being, that’s just how fairy tale might end. He never promised you Happily Ever After just because he picked you up on a white horse. But he’ll never throw you off the horse before shepherding you safely back home.

The other night, we met a Virgo man and his Aquarius “wife” sitting at an adjacent restaurant table. They were incredibly friendly—almost too eager and forthcoming, raising brows among us. Within five minutes, we heard all about her breast implants, her difficult pregnancy, and her strident efforts to regain her anorexic, pre-baby figure. It became clear she was either drunk or on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The Virgo just watched quietly, as Virgo men do, letting her yammer away about silicone and order a $25 cosmopolitan “for all of us to share.”


When the drunk, emotionally fragile Aquarius teetered off to the smoking lounge in her seven-inch Loubitons, clutching a crystal-embellished phone to her ear, the Virgo man leaned in conspiratorially. “She’s not really my wife,” he announced matter-of-factly. “Sorry she’s such a nut job. She’s just going through a hard time. She had a baby a year ago and fell into some really bad postpartum depression. She’s married to someone else. We’re seeing each other on the side while she gets through it.”


Virgo Moon Bingo Calendar

Apparently, the two met on a swingers’ website called, which helps attached people find discreet hookups and affairs. (The taglines: “when monogamy becomes monotony” and “because the best men & women are already taken.”) At first, we were baffled. Why would a germophobic Virgo use the Internet to pick up someone’s sloppy seconds? How could a sign as preachy and puritanical as Virgo be so shamelessly unethical?

Then we woke up and smelled the smoke signals. A woman advertising online for an affair is either a) horny, b) bored, or c) (ding ding ding!) sending out an SOS. She’s crying out, “Help! I’m done with this marriage and I don’t know how to get out. Somebody save me!” Bingo. It’s the Virgo man’s sweet spot, and he rushes in for the save. In his own way, the Virgo man feels that he’s performing a public service helping a woman leave a bad marriage. He’d never fancy himself a homewrecker. After all, she was already sniffing around for a side dish. He was just being helpful.

Ultimately, the Virgo man needs a bigger cause than patching up strays. His astrological duty is to serve humankind. He must find his mission, his life’s work and calling. Unless he is contributing to the greater society, or at least a noble cause, the Virgo man is adrift at sea. He will squander his gifts by playing the enabler and co-dependent hero. He’ll take on women’s problems, when he should really march them to the nearest therapist’s couch. And he will walk away from amazing women—with whom he is highly compatible—simply because they don’t need his rescuing.

The Virgin figure that symbolizes Virgo is sometimes depicted as an angel. Although the symbol may be too feminine for a Virgo man’s liking, it’s worth a closer look. Angels hover above us all, watching, protecting and guiding. They only intervene when asked, and never force their help where it’s not requested.

Until this control freak learns to let go and trust, he can never receive. Giving without receiving (and vice-versa) makes for a one-sided relationship. With lots of practice, Virgo might finally loosen his grip and enjoy a healthy relationship, one based on companionship rather than control.

Excerpted from The AstroTwins’ Love Zodiac. Copyright 2008, Tali and Ophira Edut. All rights reserved.

© Getty/Katie Buckleitner

So, you’ve got the hots for a cool Virgo? I don’t blame you! Earthy Virgos (born August 22 September 22) are thoughtful, warm-hearted, and deeply intelligent. They’re known for their extraordinary attention to detail, effortless organization, and an incredible ability to synthesize even the most complex issues. But not every Virgo is a neat freak. And while it’s true that Mother Teresa was literally a Virgo, don’t let the name fool you: Most Virgos are far from virginal. So before you link up with this fascinating, complex creature, you want to know what you’re getting into. But don’t worry—I’ve got you covered! Here’s the scoop on all things Virgo.


If you’ve ever Googled “Virgo personality,” you’ve probably stumbled across a laundry list of Virgo’s stereotypical attributes: Clean. Neat. Precise. And it’s true that some Virgos may exhibit these characteristics, Virgo’s signature perfectionism is really only the tip of the iceberg. At the end of the day, every Virgo is motivated by an innate desire to make sense of the world. So whether Virgo is building a logical system through a color-coordinated bookcase, fine-tuning a singer’s vocals in a music studio, or writing long-form journalism that exposes societal injustices, Virgo’s deeply committed to cultivating sustainable structure.

Accordingly, when it comes to matters of the heart, Virgo wants to be in a partnership that has a tangible purpose. Unlike some other signs of the zodiac (I’m looking at you, Leo), Virgo doesn’t want to dive head-first into a messy, impossible, dramatic love affair. Virgo wants to link up with someone who they can connect with on a day-to-day level. So before Virgo commits, this earth sign would like to know: Do you prefer to shower in the morning or the night? What time do you usually wake up on weekdays? How about weekends? Do you have any dietary restrictions?


Although these types of queries may seem mundane, Virgos know that the devil is in the details. Fundamentally, they're constantly collecting data to create a comprehensive profile of their lover, which is then cross-referenced with their own wants and needs. If these align, bingo! It’s a match! Virgo will move full steam ahead. However, if your Virgo babe identifies any inconsistencies… well, let’s just say that these will need to be adjusted. Like now. I know it may seem harsh, but there’s no way in hell Virgo will invest in an ill-suited relationship. It just doesn’t make sense!


If there’s one thing you need to know about Virgo, it’s that this earth sign is constantly solving puzzles. All day, every day. As one of the cleverest signs of the zodiac, Virgos can spend all day sorting, analyzing, investigating and—best of all—finding solutions. And, of course, since cultivating systems is such a defining aspect of Virgo’s personality, they’re delighted to apply their skills on an interpersonal level—they’re considered one of the most helpful signs of the zodiac. Can’t manage your calendar? Virgo has an idea. Need help hanging that coat rack? Don’t fret—Virgo will swing by with a hammer. Want some feedback on your résumé? Cool, just send it to Virgo!

While Virgo can certainly find joy in organizing the spice rack, there’s nothing that makes this earth sign happier than helping others. Virgos pride themselves on acts of service, so this earth sign is always looking for new ways to lend a hand. But while this might seem perfect in theory, Virgo’s relentless “support” may actually create more problems (how ironic!).

Although Virgo can be the most thoughtful and caring partner, they can also be a bit a control freak. Virgo must remember that relationships are not “fixer-uppers.” There’s no need to correct, improve, and calibrate their lover’s every move! Interestingly, the best way to combat their razor precision is to deny their service requests. Just because Virgo is offering help doesn’t mean you need to accept it—sure ,it’s nice that they keep offering to the dishes, but it’s not necessary!

I know it’s tempting to say “yes” to everything Virgo wants to improve, but the best way to cultivate a long-term bond with this earth sign is by setting boundaries. Although they may say they want to help, each lover has to give and receive equally. And by establishing a partnership that’s based on reciprocity (as opposed to Virgo’s toolbox), Virgo will—slowly but surely—stop trying to adjust the relationship, enabling them to redirect their solution-oriented approach to things that really matter… like rearranging their photo albums in chronological order!

Virgo Moon Bingo

Virgo Moon Or Sun


Virgo is governed by Mercury, the fast-paced, quick-witted planet that governs communication and expression. Armed with the incredible, innate ability to synthesize large amounts of information and find answers to even the most complex problems, Virgo is attracted to lovers who are deeply intelligent. The fastest way to Virgo’s heart is through their mind—here’s nothing they love more than sharing observations and witticisms.

Despite Virgo’s shrewd analytical skills, however, this earth sign cannot handle criticism. Don’t even think about correcting Virgo’s systems. For better or worse, Virgo’s identity is wrapped up in their unique processes, so questioning Virgo’s approaches will cause this earth sign to shut down completely. While it’s true that Virgo is trying to improve systems, it doesn’t mean that this sign’s open to suggestions! When in doubt, simply take a step back and let Virgo do their thing. So, if you’re curious about why Virgo is still wearing cargo shorts (obvi for the pockets), avoid challenging Virgo’s fashion until after you’ve established trust and understanding. Otherwise, you may never see your Virgo lover (and those charming cargo shorts) again.


So who are Virgos favorite projects… errr, I mean partners? Fellow earth signs—Taurus and Capricorn—appreciate Virgo’s attention to detail. Taurus values Virgo’s thoughtful, meticulous nature, while Capricorn is attracted to Virgo’s kind and thoughtful spirit. However, Virgo has a more difficult time managing relationships with Gemini and Sagittarius. Chatty Gemini and adventurous Sagittarius find Virgo’s approach to be somewhat neurotic, while Virgo perceives these impulsive signs to be extremely unreliable. When coupled, these signs should remember that nothing is perfect!

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